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The Ruptured Sky Book Review
Thank you to Jessica A. McMinn for providing me with a copy of this book! I voluntarily leave this review!
From a young age, Princess Amikharlia knew she was different. When she sneaks out with her friends and saves their lives with magic the whispers begin. Even her own father calls her unnatural. And when it comes time to marry a cruel prince, she leaves the royal family to hunt demonic creatures plaguing the land. Little does she know, her fate is entwined with those who would bring the goddess back into the world. And her magic is one of the keys.
The Ruptured Sky is a dark and action-packed journey. Told through the eyes of multiple characters, the reader will experience a range of emotions. As they venture deeper into the lore and world-building, they will be swept up in the story. The characters you come to know and cheer for in the beginning, are nowhere near the same by the end of the novel due to the hardships they face.
Jessica A McMinn created such a manipulative and controlling character in Grey. Obsessed with the prophecy of The Chosen, he’s done everything he can to ensure its success. Including betraying those who love him and gaslighting his own family members. Built to be a despicable character he will entice readers into learning the fate of those he’s exploited. Everyone who comes into contact with him will have their lines irrevocably changed forever.
The characters in The Ruptured Sky are a wonderful mix of personalities and ambition. Their combined goals and ambitions pull them apart as much as they force them together. As the story progresses, readers will be stunned at the revelations from long harbored secrets. Jessica A. McMinn isn’t afraid to challenge her characters, even if it means breaking them in the process. Readers will be entranced by the character arcs and development unfolding across the pages.
With how book one ended, I can’t wait to see where the next one begins. I need to know the fate of the characters and what else is in store for them. If you are a reader who enjoys dark fantasy, give this book a try!
To Purchase: Bookshop | Author's Website
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