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Book Review
Martin the Warrior, the hero of Redwall, once told his story to the creatures of Redwall Abbey. But it was not his whole story. The warrior mouse was stolen from the shores of his home by sea rats and thrown into slavery. But despite all Badrang and his hoard do to break Martin, his warrior spirit lives on. He vows to escape Marshank and free all the creatures within Badrang the Stoat's clutches.
Martin is determined to escape and put an end to Badrang’s slavery of creatures. And while his warrior spirit may carry him through his toughest battles, there will be no victory without sacrifice. Martin’s tale will expand beyond the walls of Badrang’s fortress, bringing into the story a multitude of creatures willing to put their lives on the line to free the enslaved creatures. And through their combined tales, they will show readers what it means to band together and fight for a better future.
Brian Jacques never fails to show how evil turns in on itself. In Martin the Warrior, this is done through Badrang and Clogg’s rivalry. The two stoats continue to make shady deals and backstab one another as they each try to gain the upper hand. Clogg is envious of Badrang’s fortress and seeks to claim it for his own. And as their rivalry continues, it offers Martin and his companions chances to accomplish their goals.
And with any Redwall book, there is a wonderful dose of friendship thrown into the mix. As Martin and his companions face some of their darkest moments, they continue to push on with friends by their side. There is an inherent goodness to be found within the characters introduced as Martin’s companions. And they each have their quirks and personalities that add to the narrative.
Readers do not have to read the prior Redwall books to enjoy Martin the Warrior. But if you have enjoyed the past Redwall books, this story will be sure to settle your curiosity about the hero’s past. Another wonderful addition to the series.
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