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The Blood Curse Book Review
Thank you to Jessica A McMinn for providing me with a copy of this book! I voluntarily leave this review!
After leaving readers in anticipation, The Blood Curse places them immediately back into the action. The fates of those left hanging in the balance are quickly revealed. And if readers think the events of book one were hard for the characters to manage, they are in for an even bigger challenge this time around.
With the fate of the world at stake, every choice counts. Despite the amount of character POVs and plot elements, nothing ever seems rushed or overly detailed. Everything is carefully woven together, submersing readers into an emotionally charged narrative. Each character in this series is complex and multilayered. They have battles waging inside of their minds while also trying to navigate an ever-changing world and increasing threat levels.
Diving deeper into Rei’s past is heart-wrenching. Readers’ eyes are opened to the trauma he endured. His violent reactions to certain situations and locations speak volumes. It’s no secret that Siephymn are not treated well, but to have Rei’s story laid bare elicits such raw emotion.
And then there is Kriah. He is such a lost soul in The Blood Curse. Torn away from everyone else, he’s left to fend for himself and he simply doesn’t know what to do. With so little experience outside his sheltered life, Kriah does the best with what he has. But he will ultimately make decisions he will never be able to take back and they will haunt him forever.
With such an intricately built plot, tying together the fate of the world with each character’s choices, this follow-up novel is just as addicting as book one. Readers will be fully invested and eager to see the new directions each character will go. The Blood Cursed is a phenomenal sequel and fans of dark fantasy have to give this series a read.
To Purchase: Bookshop | Author's Website
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