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Rogue Ghosts & Other Miscreants Book Review
MagiPol has set rules Kit is supposed to follow now that he’s an agent. But rules have never been something Kit paid attention to. And when he sees how following them only puts more people at risk, he doubles down on his own path. Yet Kit is torn between what is right and wrong. When his partner Lienna voices concern over his actions, Kit is plunged into a war within himself to figure out the correct path.
Each book delves into Kit’s powers and the new ways he can use his warping abilities. Rogue Ghosts & Other Miscreants is a book dedicated to Kit discovering who he wants to be and how he wants to use his powers. His partner Lienna is a stickler for the rules and while he wants to stay on her good side, he knows deep down some rules have to be bent to do the right thing. But how far is too far? When Kit and Lienna witness the Ghost and his morally gray tactics, Kit is faced with a choice. Be the MagiPol agent Lienna wants him to be, or save a missing boy by whatever means necessary.
Now that Kit is faced with working within the system, or going rogue, readers will see how difficult MagiPol is from a new angle. The agency has been a constant thorn for characters of the Guild Codex world. To see agents go so far as to hesitate to help those in need just to follow their own rules is disheartening. Kit certainly has his work cut out of him. And his challenges bring back the fast-paced action and magic slinging battles readers have come to expect from the series. Romance takes a backseat as character development pushes to center stage and Kit shines.
Rogue Ghosts & Other Miscreants brings Kit and Lienna into the darker side of the magical community and threatens to upend their fragile partnership. The action kicks up a notch as they are faced with violent foes and a ticking timeline to save their target. It was well worth the wait to have these characters find their footing in the new spin-off series.
To Purchase: Bookshop | Author's Website
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