This review is part of the Speculative Fiction Indie Novella Championship (SFINCS). SFINCS, pronounced “sphinx”. This is a yearly competition to recognize, honor, and celebrate the talent and creativity present in the indie community. It’s a sister competition to both SPFBO and SPSFC, and it highlights greatness in the novella format in all areas of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, etc.).
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Blurb for The Re-Emergence
A strange probe from a long-forgotten satellite network appears in the P’hori star system. Its message: a dire warning signalling the return of an ancient mythological evil. Imperator Da’kora Corasar and the crew of the Qesh’kal are sent to determine the probe’s origin, and find that the satellite is not as they had expected. Corasar trusts the satellite’s data, but not everyone aboard agrees. Tensions rise and loyalties are tested as they track down the source of the signal. Thrust into conflict, the crew of the Qesh’kal must chase their foe across the galactic arm and save their home from certain destruction.
Book Review for The Re-Emergence
When Satellite AI 17 is downloaded by crew member Da’Kora it couldn’t be happier. After all, there is only so much long distance space chess one can play with the other sentient satellites. What the crew of the Qesh’kal ship doesn’t realize is that Sev, aka 17, was part of an ancient alert system. A system put into place to warn of impending invasion from the Ancient Wanderers. A race when last seen nearly wiped out the entire system. But the crew will soon discover Sev’s origin and the Ancient Wanderer scout ship lurking in their path.
Sev has a deadpan approach to speaking with the crew. Though it isn’t sarcastic on purpose, the AI uses whatever knowledge it has of the beings on its crew to interact with them. Considering its only companions have been other sentient satellites, it doesn’t fully understand what choices organic beings may make. Sure there is logic and other tools it could use, but deep down humans have emotional responses that don’t always follow a logical path. And unfortunately, Sev will have to find that out the hard way.
The relationships among the crew will engage readers just as much as the fast-paced action. When the crew discovers the Ancient Wanderer ship and battle ensues it's an all-out fight to the bitter end. Alan K Dell carefully layers the outside influences of the ship battle and the inner turmoil on deck, escalating the writing to another level. There is never a dull moment.
The Re-Emergence is a wonderful tale that brings together beings of all different backgrounds to form a singular crew. While at first, they may not fully trust each other, their actions will open their eyes to the internal bias they carry and forge a strong path for character growth. This is an exciting sci-fi novella with great character development and fast-paced action.
To Purchase: Amazon| Author's Website
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