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Behind the Pages' Beta Reading Policy

I offer open and honest beta reading. I will review all aspects of your writing from characters to plot pacing. Both strengths and weakness will be highlighted and constructive feedback provided. If there are certain parts of your book that you would like special attention brought to, please include this in your request.

Woman Writing

Current Rates:

Up to 30,000 words $35

Up to 50,000 words $60

Up to 100,000 words $120

Image by Trent Erwin

If you have a certain deadline to work around, please let me know in your submission form. Rush orders will be charged an additional $25. I'm also willing to do a book review free of charge once your book is published. Please view the book review policy if you are interested.

I will do a line by line review of your manuscript providing suggested rewording and comments. Copyrights for your submission remain yours. Font must be 12pt Times New Roman to encourage accurate page count for all submissions. Invoices are sent through PayPal and a 50% payment is required before I begin working. You may send the first ten pages of your writing free of charge to see if you agree with my style of beta reading. Word count towards payment will begin after the first ten pages if you choose to do this.

Turn around time is up to two months depending on submission length and my current workload. I am accepting submissions for Paranormal/Fantasy, Young Adult and Mystery/Thriller.

If you are interested in your story being beta read, contact me.

I ask that you allow for 1-2 business days for a reply. I look forward to working with you!

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